Infographic | How to Deliver Retail Transformation & Exceptional CX


Jun 5, 2021

83% of retailers say personalization has become a greater priority over the past 12 months. What will make your customer experience stand out?

Retailers Personalize In-Store Experience to Drive Growth

Delivering personalized shopping experiences drives double-digit sales growth for the top 15% of companies that can pull it off.

Learn the five consistent elements of these successes that drive real value to customers and businesses.

  • What to Personalize
  • How Relevancy Drives Sales
  • How Many Retailers Deliver a Personalized In-Store Experience?

Find out when you download the infographic!

Digital Signage Solutions for Retailers

Digital signage is a cornerstone of in-store personalization. We know because we help some of the world’s most successful businesses increase customer-centricity with digital signage platforms. Learn more about STRATACACHE solutions for retailers.

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