Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is simply a way for companies to take responsibility for the social and environmental impacts of their business operations. The STRATACACHE family has committed ourselves to drive CSR through philanthropy, volunteering and environmental efforts.
The Strength of a Family

STRATACACHE helped the Turner Family accommodate their four children who are all diagnosed with Juvenile Batten Disease, an extremely rare and terrible prognosis with no known cure.
Markers of Batten Disease include vision loss around the age of 5, followed by seizures, cognitive decline, personality changes, loss of motor skills, dementia, and finally – tragically – death between the ages of 15-30 years old.
In the fall of 2021, STRATACACHE added to Chive Charities’ fundraising efforts to remodel the Turners’ bathroom and make it wheelchair accessible for the children.
It was another moment. Read the full story here.
When good news falls out of the clear blue sky

Jack was 3 when a mysterious rash overtook his body which was followed by neurological decline and loss of motor skills. The attacks came twice a year and increased in intensity. Jack lost his hearing, the ability to walk. His skin would blister, boil, and shed off multiple times. Finally, in March of 2019, Jack was 1 of 3 people in the world diagnosed with ACOX1 genetic mutation.
ACOX1, sometimes called Mitchell Syndrome, is an inflammatory disease that could be treated by the N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) antioxidant. Absent the medicine for 6 years, ACOX1 started eating away at the myelin sheath that protects Jack’s nerves and cells.
Years later, Jack weighs close to 100 lbs. His parents are suffering from back problems as they carry their son up and down the stairs of their two-story home, in and out of the car.
STRATACACHE Family teamed up with long-term philanthropic partner, Chive Charities, to purchase a new ADA accessible van, as well as a new ADA-accessible home. Read the full Sawyer story here.
To the moon? That's nothing.

US employees of the STRATACACHE family of companies, opted to make a real difference to the life of a family in need through long time philanthropic partner, Chive Charities. This campaign was different from any of our previous Chive Charities campaigns, it was 100% in the hands of our STRATACACHE family to make this recipient’s wish become a reality. The best part, we were able to deliver the great news in a live video call with the family and our Chive Charities partners.
In 2012, Envera was diagnosed with the rare genetic condition, H-abc Leukodystrophy, at Children’s Hospital in Chicago, IL. This condition affects less than 200 worldwide and is a progressive degenerative disorder. The condition impacts the white matter of the brain limiting muscle development, mobility, and other basic functions. H-abc Leukodystrophy is a terminal illness with no known cure. To accommodate Enevra’s medical needs, attend her specialist appointments and access family activities beyond their home, Envera’s family were in critical need of reliable and accessible transportation. They turned to Chive Charities with a request for a grant to provide them with an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessible Van from fellow Chive Charities partner, AMS Vans. Through the generosity of the STRATACACHE team, and working with the platform PTOExchange, $45,000 was raised in 48 hours, covering the complete cost of the much needed van.
Read Envera’s full story:here
Isaiah Martin was born with more than 12 fresh and healing fractures, the result of a devastating condition called Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI). Known more commonly as brittle bone disease, Isaiah was diagnosed with Type III, the most severe form in babies who don’t die as newborns. Isaiah has suffered more than 120 broken bones in his seven years of life, yet he faces each challenge with optimism and positivity that belies his age. He truly is remarkable.
We partnered with Chive Charities for their first-ever Giving Tuesday campaign to change Isaiah’s life. Last year, Isaiah upgraded his manual wheelchair for a power version that gives him more independence. Unfortunately, his family has no way of transporting his power wheelchair. With this joint Giving Tuesday campaign, we raised over $50,000 to fund an ADA-accessible van from VMI that will allow Isaiah to travel safely and accommodate his new wheelchair. The STRATACACHE family was able to offer our support matching donations dollar-for-dollar up to $25,000.
Read Isaiah’s full story here:

STRATACACHE is committed to giving back through our Corporate Social Responsibility program. We have partnered with Chive Charities on several exciting initiatives – totalling $100,000 in impact! In fall 2018, STRATACACHE CEO Chris Riegel donated $50,000 to Chive Charities, a record-breaking donation at their 6th Annual Green Gala. In 2019, STRATACACHE extended our support by officially sponsoring a Flash Campaign by matching $25,000 in donations dollar-for-dollar to make sure the campaign was a success. Together we helped a 9-year-old girl from Sidney, OH, named Rozlyn, who is bravely fighting an extremely rare neurological disease. At the 7th Annual Green Gala, the STRATACACHE family donated $70,000 to benefit many Chive Charities grant recipients. Continuing our support of helping the underdog, in 2020, STRATACACHE has supported four Chive Charities Grant Recipients: Gracyn, Zack, Jensen and Isaiah.
“Our partnership with Chive Charities is much more than just a donation of money. We’ve joined forces with Chive Charities because of their mission to help the underdog and our desire to contribute to causes that serve the underdog. Partnering with chive Charities has not only gotten our company involved in these activities but has paved the way for us to further invest in and have an impact on our community.” – Chris Riegel, CEO STRATACACHE.
Making the world 10% happier by helping a girl in our own backyard.
STRATACACHE extended our support of Chive Charities by officially sponsoring a “Flash Campaign” in March. Through this campaign, we directly helped a 9-year-old girl from Sidney, OH, named Rozlyn, who is bravely fighting an extremely rare neurological disease.
Our company matched up to $25,000 in donations dollar-for-dollar to make sure that this campaign was a success.
Thank you to everyone who chose to personally contribute to Rozlyn’s campaign — we were proud to see our #STRATACACHEfamily hashtag take over the comment section!